Major Climate Changes Over Last 15,000 Years ‘It Just Happens’

Major Climate Changes Over Last 15,000 Years 'It Just Happens'

The short response to this is that the ice core was taken from high altitude in Greenland and also the data ends in ~1850 not showing any “present global warming” at all.

Please also refer to my other post relating to another graph based on GISP2 Greenland ice cores.

The indicated source of this graph is unmaintained and the image is now not available but is on the WayBack Machine showing the following version along with a disclaimer:

Global Research Editor’s note

The following article represents an alternative view and analysis of global climate change, which challenges the dominant Global Warming Consensus.

Global Research does not necessarily endorse the proposition of “Global Cooling”, nor does it accept at face value the Consensus on Global Warming. Our purpose is to encourage a more balanced debate on the topic of global climate change.

Climate changes in the past 17,000 years from the GISP2 Greenland ice core. Red = warming, blue = cooling. (Modified from Cuffy [sic] and Clow, 1997)
The Cuffey and Clow paper mentioned includes this graphCuffeyAndClow1997Fig3

As far as I can ascertain this is the original source of the graph. As you can see the graph has been flipped horizontally and cropped to the first 17,000 years.

This confirms that the data come from GISP2 which means that the use of “present” in the Cuffey and Clow paper follows a common paleoclimate convention and is actually 1950. The first data point in the file is at 95 years BP. This would make 95 years BP 1855 long before any other global temperature record shows any modern warming.*

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